New Zealand's Non-profit Sector is struggling - Here’s why


Exploring the hurdles New Zealand’s not-for-profit sector faces.


New Zealand’s non-profit sector represents the largest per capita charity industry in the world, with one charity for every 190 kiwis. There are over 110,000 organisations currently operating to improve the lives of Kiwis across a range of different activities and beneficiaries, however underpinning this incredible work are some real struggles; a lack of funding, service delivery and workforce shrinkage, all exacerbated by events of recent years. 

Case studies of non-profit organisations showed that the top three struggles of recent years are financing the activities of the organisation, securing funding via sponsorship and donations, and talent retention. Other challenges that they face include the role of the board or local governance, compliance with the regulatory environment, competition within the sector, managing an ever changing political and technological environment, and managing an online presence - something that’s becoming more and more important across all areas of business.

The research also showed that 71% of non-profit organisations have invested in their online social and digital platforms over the past two years, and 52% expert to invest more within the next couple of years. 

That’s where we come in. We offer a unique opportunity for businesses to partner up with non-profit organisations and assist with their online investment, whilst also alleviating the cost for the non-profit (and promoting your own business along the way), through the medium of video podcasting. We fuse traditional sponsorship with progressive advertising strategies; giving visibility and an online voice to non-profit organisations. Businesses have the option to fully sponsor a podcast, or co-sponsor an episode. Either way, it’s an opportunity to build trust with your customers, and be recognised as a supportive and socially responsible company to do business with. 

Alarmingly, a 2022 report of the non-profit sector showed that when asked how long their organisation could operate using current reserves only, if their financial funding was to stop tomorrow, 82% of non-profits reported that they would have to cease operations within two years. That’s a huge threat to the vast number of Kiwis who rely on or benefit from these organisations, and proves that the time is now to diversify the way we support our non-profit sector. 

In addition to the struggles these organisations face, a recent survey of the non-profit sector found that almost a quarter of organisations reported an increasing demand in their charitable services. New Zealand’s low wage economy and cost of living crisis are definitely contributing to this, and are not showing signs of slowing. As such, there’s never been a better time than now to get involved with our work at Be Seen More, and help empower organisations within this struggling sector to expand their reach and impact, and continue the incredible work they do to enrich and improve the lives of Kiwis across the country. 
If you’d like to find out more about our podcast empowerment program, and how your business can get involved in supporting a non-profit organisation get in touch with us now -


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